Major Instrumentation
Major instrumentation located at the Department of Chemistry, University of Louisiana at Lafayette (updated Aug. 2019)
1 Varian MR 400 MHz NMR spectrometer.
1 Hewlett Packard 5890 Series II GC- FID detector
1 Dionex Ultimate 3000 HPLC with PDA detector
1 Agilent 8453 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer with variable temperature sample compartment
1 BAS Epsilon capillary liquid chromatography system
1 Sorvall refrigerated centrifuge
1 Bio-Rad real-time PCR machine (MyiQ)
1 Agilent 8453 UV-Vis spectrophotometer
1 Agilent 7820A GC system
1 Agilent 55AA atomic absorption spectrophotometer
1 Jasco V-550 UV-Vis spectrophotometer
1 Plais Labs glove box
1 Hewlett Packard 65890 GC
1 Agilent 7890A/5975C GC-MS system
1 Autopol III polarimeter
1 Biosafety Level II hood
1 Thermo Fisher low temperature freezer
1 Thermo Fisher Tuttnauer E2540E sterilizer
1 Beckman Coulter’s Optima XE 90 ultracentrifuge
1 Thermofisher MAXQ 6000 shaker
1 Bruker Vertex70 FTIR Spectrometer with Harrick Praying Mantis DRIFT cell
1 Malvern Viskotek GPCMax
1 Nanalysis 60Pro Benchtop NMR
1 Linux high-performance computing cluster, consisting of 7 DELL Poweredge servers
1 Bruker Vertex 70 FT-IR
2 CEM Mars 6 Laboratory microwave systems
1 Agilent 5110 ICP-OES spectrophotometer
1Agilent 1100 Series HPLC
1 Stellarnet Raman spectrometer